xymonau (Dez Pain)

I am an amateur photographer and graphic hobbyist. With nearly 2 million downloads elsewhere, my images have been used in projects worldwide.

Please let me know how you are using my images in the comment box.

You need my permission to redistribute my images in part or whole, for money or for free. Please read the terms of use and image licence.

When crediting me, please use my real name, Dez Pain. My avatar is me 30 years ago.

Click on page numbers to go to other pages.

name: Dez Pain
gender: female
city: Somewhere in Queensland
country: Australia
camera: Panasonic Lumix FZ 1
RGBstock since: October 2009
gallery go to the galleryrss feed
Photos on line: 6407
Downloads: 342756
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abstrait 2

abstrait 2

1700px * 1200px


papier ligné vierge 1

papier ligné vierge 1

1728px * 1794px


vagues 6

vagues 6

2100px * 1500px


bordure florale 10

bordure florale 10

1600px * 1200px


vagues 7

vagues 7

2100px * 1500px


papier taché de grunge 3

papier taché de grunge 3

2024px * 1518px


bordure vague 3

bordure vague 3

3600px * 2580px



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There are no activities for this user at the moment. Please come back later and see what happend.
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